The climate emergency is here. In the first four episodes of our series, we explore the questions: How did we break so bad? How did we become the kind of society that would unleash so much destruction on our only home, and ultimately on ourselves and our children? And, crucially, who is this we? Our story starts with the Book of Genesis.
By host and producer John Biewen, with co-host Amy Westervelt. Interviews with David Pecusa, Bina Nir, and Kate Rigby.
The series story editor is Cheryl Devall. Music by Lili Haydn, Kim Carroll, Chris Westlake, Alex Weston, and Cora Miron. Music consulting by Joe Augustine of Narrative Music. The recordings of David Pecusa are from the 2009 public radio series Five Farms, produced by the Center for Documentary Studies, executive producer Wesley Horner.
Season 5 art by Mara Guevarra. Episode image by John Biewen and Mara Guevarra.
The Repair is supported by a grant from the International Women’s Media Foundation.
Download a PDF of the transcript.
Download a PDF of the Portuguese translation of the transcript, courtesy of Polyglot Barbershop.